Sooma joins the Finnish Startup Community

Sooma jmukana Suomen startup-yhdistyksessä


A new community for startups has been born today in Finland. The Finnish Startup Community (Suomen startup-yhteisö) is a community of like-minded entrepreneurs that believe in the power of working together over the plain lobbying for the interests of individual industries.

The newly founded Finnish startup community already comprises 100 companies from very different industry backgrounds, that strive to promote a growth business ecosystem in Finland internationally recognized for its innovativeness. With the conviction that maintaining the Finnish welfare state requires stable economic growth, the members of the community maintain that the Finnish economy can precisely grow thanks to its startup culture. The community is therefore closely involved in the startup co-operation group established by Finnish Parliament.

Sooma is one of the members of this newly established Finnish start-up community. “Finland has unique operating conditions for early-stage companies. We want to be involved in ensuring that Finland is an even better place for future generations to start new businesses. It is easy to commit to the principles of the Finnish startup community”, says Tuomas Neuvonen, CEO and co-founder of Sooma.

The principles of the Finnish Startup community are:

The chairman of the board of the Finnish startup association is Timo Ahopelto, the founder of the private equity company Lifeline Ventures, and the CEO is Riikka Pakarinen.

Official page of the Finnish startup community: Suomen startup-yhteisö (

You can read more about the Finnish startup community in the Finnish media:

Helsingin Sanomat:

Startupit perustivat uuden yhteisön, joka aikoo rakentaa kasvuyhtiöistä uuden tukijalan Suomen taloudelle – toimitusjohtajaksi keskustan Riikka Pakarinen – Talous |



Teknologia-startupit ja pääomasijoittajat kokoavat rivinsä uuteen järjestöön – puheenjohtajaksi Lifeline Spacin Timo Ahopelto | Kauppalehti


Wolt, Supercell ja 98 muuta startupia perustivat etujärjestön – lupaavat tarttua myös työntekijöiden huonoon kohteluun | Yle Uutiset |

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