Release Notes for Sooma Duo App and Portal Software Version 1.2.3
New features since last release
Clinician portal: PDF export
There is a new option to export a PDF report about a treatment protocol. This option can be found by selecting a patient, clicking their treatment protocol, and choosing Export PDF under options:
The export includes data from the date range of the selected treatment protocol. There is an option to write additional information to a free text field, which will be added to the PDF export. This free text is not saved within the system, so it will only be displayed in the PDF export and cannot be restored.
Web Portal
- Chronic Pain can be selected as a treatment indication and relevant episode information can be added
- Questionnaires can be renamed to provide further patient-facing specifications e.g., NPRS can be named ‘Morning Pain Level’
- Empty device configuration column removed from devices tab
- Added menu link ‘What’s New’ which shows the most recent release notes
- Portal user account creation email has been improved to include login URL
- Patient account creation SMS has been improved to include name and clinic name
- Double-blind study variable has been removed from protocol creation to ensure full blinding of all users. When starting a double-blind study, please contact Sooma to receive instructions on how to set up the study correctly.
- Patient list is now sorted by name instead of patient ID
- Improved scaling when buttons are located near the edge of the screen
Mobile application
- On-screen guidance for treatment preparation added
- ID and password can now be saved to password manager
- Questionnaires can be filled after their due date
Fixed bugs
Web Portal
- Error related to ‘New password does not match’ message not disappearing fixed
- Localization improvements
- Consent is now scrollable on mobile
Mobile application
- User is no longer redirected to an incorrect page when selecting a questionnaire on a day with only questionnaires scheduled.
- Localization improvements
Known issues
iPhone 7 Plus: The device cannot be paired if it is turned on before the device search is started from the application
- Ensure that you start device search from the mobile application before turning on the stimulation device when using iPhone 7 Plus.
Mobile application UI elements may be out of place when using tablet devices
- All resolutions used by different sized tablets are not fully supported by the mobile application. Use a smart phone for best use experience of the mobile application.
Mobile application may display a white screen if internet connection is lost
- The mobile application provides a notification if internet connection is lost before the end of treatment session. If mobile application is closed and reopened after the notification, user may encounter a white screen. Restart the mobile application to continue.
Setting a new password in mobile application sometimes fails
- When a new password is set after receiving the initial temporary password, the application may display an incorrect password message and not let user continue to the next screen. Restarting the application allows the user to continue.